The 2020 Talent Acquisition Budget Season is upon us and I’m going to be discussing where you should be shifting your talent acquisition budget to make sure you get the greatest return on investment. Lower your cost per resume and applicant and dramatically increase the attention your brand gets in the marketplace. Now is the time that you can ensure that you get a dollar back for every penny you invest in 2020. If you wait until January it’ll be too late and the strategy will be set and the…
ContinueAdded by Jeff Weidner on December 5, 2019 at 9:30am — No Comments
Episode 3
Guest Arran Stewart
Artificial Intelligence is effectively re-writing the rules of the recruiting process. What’s the point of AI? To make us mere mortals more efficient in the workplace? We're being told that AI will surely be able to outperform us on most tasks like Sourcing, stack ranking candidates, resume match and follow up communications. So in the future who will be the real Recruiting subject matter expert? The AI…
ContinueAdded by Jeff Weidner on December 4, 2019 at 9:30am — No Comments
The way you motivate, and reward employees are everything. When employees believe they are treated fairly and guided toward meeting clearly stated goals, they will be passionate about their work.
Knowing how to motivate employees is a struggle for many managers. Employee Engagement can be harder when the workforce is…
ContinueAdded by Dhanya Raghavan on December 4, 2019 at 5:07am — No Comments
Performance review mistakes are easy to make. Avoid the most common errors while conducting performance reviews such as setting no clear standards specific to employee skills, bias error, tending to evaluate employees on an average.
Managers must set one-on-one meetings with each employee once or maybe twice a year. Also, the manager must organize, prepare, and give …
ContinueAdded by Dhanya Raghavan on December 4, 2019 at 4:59am — No Comments
If you want to improve the motivation, competency, and engagement of your team, a performance management system should be in your organization. It will help your team members understand their objectives and what is expected of them and improve their relationship with their manager.
The key is to implement the performance management tool properly. Start using…
ContinueAdded by Dhanya Raghavan on December 4, 2019 at 4:30am — No Comments
Finding the right job can be a challenge if you’re in a career that’s in high demand. You need to find the jobs first and set yourself apart from the crowd. Here are some of the strategies that you can utilize in order to play up your skillset and land the job.
Even if you don’t have a lot of experience, you need to…
ContinueAdded by Rachelle Wilber on December 3, 2019 at 2:00pm — No Comments
Making the right hire is hard enough on its own. Let alone when you’re forced to hire with limited resources.…
ContinueAdded by James Cragg on December 3, 2019 at 11:00am — No Comments
Learn how to manage all your video content to make it easier to scale your video recruiting efforts across your entire recruiting organization. How and when to set up a Video Management System (VMS). As you start to scale the amount of video content in your talent acquisition organization the sheer number and size of video files can get unmanageable very quickly. Today we have Maury Hanigan on the show and she is… |
Added by Jeff Weidner on December 3, 2019 at 9:30am — No Comments
As opposed to past generations, schoolchildren today have been brought up around technology and the use of computers for as long as they can remember. Approximately 9 out of 10 households have access to the internet, and many own their own smartphones. It is therefore imperative that they are equipped with the…
ContinueAdded by Jake Holyoak on December 3, 2019 at 3:39am — No Comments
Newcastle upon Tyne, in the North East of England, has an estimated population of 300,000 people. The city, or the ‘Toon’ as it is referred to locally, is synonymous with culture, a welcoming atmosphere, and, unfortunately, rather poor weather.
As of 2017, the two universities in the city, Newcastle University, and Northumbria University, boasted 23,000 and 26,000 students respectively. Taking those statistics into…
ContinueAdded by Jake Holyoak on December 3, 2019 at 3:36am — No Comments
What shall I do next? A regular question asked from students undertaking an undergrad degree.
It’s unlikely that in the last three years or so you’ve paused the partying to think about the next stage of your life seriously.
As with all major life decisions, there are pros and cons to consider. With further study comes even more fees. However, in a saturated jobs market, additional qualifications could be essential to even land a job in the first place. Ultimately, the best…
ContinueAdded by Jake Holyoak on December 3, 2019 at 3:33am — No Comments
Scribd is a site that says it is the largest digital library. This can be a great place to find candidates however a lot of recruiter do not search here. The reason is simple they do not know how. Well to do this without worry you need go no further than into your bag of tricks and pull out an old tried and true tool, a simple search with…
ContinueAdded by Dean Da Costa on December 2, 2019 at 8:12pm — No Comments
Taking one or two longer breaks back in the early summer months might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but if it has left you without the option of any three-day weekends, (essential for ticking off your entire Christmas shopping list in one go), then you might want to be a bit more tactical with how you spend your annual leave next year.
Whether you crave a city break to attend theatres in London, or if you prefer a rural retreat sampling a selection of …
ContinueAdded by Caitlin Purvis on December 2, 2019 at 10:35am — No Comments
The gig economy is by no means a new concept, but it has expanded greatly over the past decade.
Today millions of workers worldwide are enticed to the unbounded realm of independent work engagement with businesses, and this is commonly known as the ‘gig economy. Thanks to the transformative gig economy platforms such as People per Hour,…
ContinueAdded by Matt Smith on December 2, 2019 at 9:36am — No Comments
Episode 1
Guest Steve O'Brien
The Speaker Agenda Show
Immerse yourself in the latest recruitment marketing tactics and strategies; automation, AI, chatbots, SMS, funnels, landing pages, and videos that massively increase candidate engagement and conversions. It’s all about helping you create amazing candidate experiences and make more hires to dominate your market and avoid destroying your employer brand.
We're all about helping you get the absolute best results…
ContinueAdded by Jeff Weidner on December 2, 2019 at 9:30am — No Comments
Episode 8
Guest Leah Daniels
The Speaker Agenda Show
If you are looking to make your recruitment advertising dollars last as long as possible, or if you are thinking about your 2020 recruitment marketing budget at your organization, we’ll have some suggestions for ensuring you achieve the highest quality candidates at the lowest…
ContinueAdded by Jeff Weidner on December 1, 2019 at 12:30pm — No Comments
11 Years ago my career and life course correct came. It shifted almost overnight. I needed to get back into staffing, and staffing found me. It was a match made in heaven that has since paved the way for everything else I have done. Along the way lessons have been learned, life has happened, change has come, and balance has become even more…
ContinueAdded by Mike Rasmussen on November 30, 2019 at 1:25am — No Comments
If you dream of working in an international location, you can pursue a career path that gives you the opportunity to move to another country. Many of these types of careers are known to pay excellent salaries and provide job stability. These four exciting career paths will allow you to work internationally.
Becoming a…
ContinueAdded by Anica Oaks on November 27, 2019 at 1:00pm — No Comments
Whether you are a startup or a well-established organization, having a powerful talent acquiring strategy and superb brand ambassadors will assist you attract the greatest talent to your organization. According to few people the terms of recruitment and talent acquisition are all the same. But the fact is they are not.…
ContinueAdded by Matt Smith on November 27, 2019 at 6:00am — No Comments
Artificial Intelligence software is about to revolutionize the recruitment and hiring process. Discover how the recruitment industry will change and whether AI tools will displace traditional HR managers
A commonly…
ContinueAdded by Betty Lockwood on November 27, 2019 at 6:00am — No Comments
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