Recruiting Blogs (24,307)

Our Favorite Training Moments from the Greats

Managing the training for your organization can be a tough task, complete with data entry, tracking and griping employees. Although we’re in the business of offering simpler solutions through technology, there are humans behind this software curtain, and we’re interested in the human part of the training…


Added by Sean Pomeroy on October 29, 2013 at 1:05pm — No Comments

What's happening? The big news roundup for online recruiting

It's that time to take a look at what's been happening in the job board industry over the past month. All I can say is - more than you might imagine. So let's get started:


Added by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on October 29, 2013 at 8:51am — 1 Comment

10 Reasons It's Dumb to Ignore Active Job Seekers

Please note this post originally appeared on the RecruitLoop Blog.

Have you ever heard someone say that active candidates – those who are actively in the market looking for job opportunities – are a waste of time?

The belief seems to be that, ‘If they are looking for a job, then they…


Added by Paul Slezak on October 29, 2013 at 4:58am — No Comments

Can we trust LinkedIn?

I love LinkedIn. But I do not trust LinkedIn.

For recruiters, it’s obviously a key tool, and clearly a brilliant invention that is part of a seismic shift in the way recruitment works. I wish I had invented it.

But I believe, that for agency recruiters, LinkedIn is not your friend.

Don’t get me wrong, we need to use LinkedIn, and become better at scouring its database for the nuggets that reside therein. We also need to…


Added by Greg Savage on October 28, 2013 at 11:56pm — 51 Comments

Search IM, yes big brother is reading!!!

Search IM, yes big brother is reading!!!


Yes big brother is reading. There is a tool called Search IM which allows you to search Instant Messages profiles. You can search IM Profiles from Skype, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, Google Talk, and MSN or all of them. Its simple you…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 28, 2013 at 4:26pm — No Comments

Jobvite Proves That Social Recruiting Works!

If the proof is in the pudding, than the latest job survey results from Jobvite certainly prove that social recruiting works. Social recruiting is the practice by career recruiters of utilizing social media profiles, blogs, forums, and other online activity to identify qualified job candidates and to share information about available job positions.

Jobvite, an…


Added by Kate Supino on October 28, 2013 at 2:50pm — No Comments

Debunking the Myth of the Analyst #InfluenceHR

With the HR technology marketplace seemingly evolving at the speed of a tweet, companies selling into the space are increasingly employing sophisticated techniques to increase both share of mind and, subsequently, share of market. Trends like big data, social media and mobile enablement have become ubiquitous not only in product roadmaps but also in market…


Added by Matt Charney on October 28, 2013 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The "Fit" Factor: No Experience Necessary

In the past, it seemed as though companies prided themselves on finding the most experienced candidates to fill open positions with the viewpoint that experience automatically must have meant quality. However, it seems that more and more, employers are finding out that this line of thinking is outdated, and often times, misguided.…


Added by Britni Salazar on October 28, 2013 at 9:35am — 1 Comment

Who, EXACTLY, is in charge around here?...

My previous post about the right number of interviews received a lot comments - some from people saying I should add an extra interview to allow for interviews for subordinates to help select their…


Added by Martin Ellis on October 28, 2013 at 6:50am — 6 Comments

How NOT to Apply for That Dream Job

Working in the non profit sector is competitive, as candidates vie for charity jobs that offer job satisfaction.  And yet, despite this, many prospects don’t pay attention to completing a professional job application.

It may provide those in charity recruitment with a giggle to see such gafs as “Size of Employer – very tall, probably over 6ft 5”; or “Employment – Night stalker in Tescos”; but you will be remembered for the wrong reasons.  Although your CV should stand out from the…


Added by Sophie Ponting on October 28, 2013 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Why I'm loving my new RPO job

I recently joined a Global RPO solution onsite at an investment bank.  Making the leap from agency, especially as an established consultant where I managed to build an innovative sourcing desk servicing an entire business; into a new position and environment was a huge risk for me. 

I went with my gut and chose carefully, selecting an RPO that had a…


Added by Sarah Calverley on October 27, 2013 at 6:30am — 5 Comments

To Source, or Not to Source...


"To Source, or not to Source...that is the question:

Whether 'tis Nobler for recruiters and sourcers to suffer

The Postings and Campaigns of outrageous Recruitment life cycles,

Or to take up Sourcing against a sea of difficult Reqs,

And by sourcing fill them: to close, to fill

No more; and by close, to say we hire"

So I may have altered the soliloquy from Hamlet…


Added by Mark Tortorici on October 25, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments

6 Tips for the Pregnant Job Hunter

Hunting for a job while pregnant is not the ideal time, but we all do what we must. If you find yourself in this situation, take the time to consider the following tips.

1. Medical benefits

Although it's considered bad form to focus on medical benefits during a job interview, if you're pregnant, you simply must. Find out what medical costs are covered in the company's insurance plan, when your coverage would begin, how much your monthly contribution is, and what your…


Added by Kate Supino on October 25, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Career at CrossRoads?

For many of us, there comes a time in our careers when it feels like a change is required.
But, whatever the reasons for re-evaluating, the idea of starting again and trying something new can be daunting. So, to help you choose your direction, here are out tips for managing a career crossroads.
Am I ready to make a change?
Switching careers can be a tough decision, especially if…

Added by Neelam Mestry on October 25, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

The One About #Hashtags

TGIF, right? Yeah, that used to be more exciting before they pulled Family Matters, Step by Step and Boy Meets World from the best programming block this side of Thursday nights on NBC circa 1996, but now, Fridays just mean having to see #FollowFriday (or #FF, if you f-ing like) proliferate throughout my social stream.

I’ve always hated these because they’re not only…


Added by Matt Charney on October 25, 2013 at 11:33am — 1 Comment

Construction Recruitment Agencies – Points You Need To Know

The pace at which the construction business is developing, 5 years down the line, it will be a booming industry. In this field  there are extraordinary chances for the talented individuals to explore multiple work opportunities.

To face the developing rivalry of the industry, the most ideal path is to enroll yourself with a  recruitment agency that deals with the construction vertical. Individuals who want to make a career in this field can get success through their diligent…


Added by Sharon Kaith on October 25, 2013 at 8:06am — No Comments

How to Perform in your Interview

Many people have been job searching for months but wonder how to land right away into a job interview. They don’t know. But you have to reap the benefits of “power words” to get to a job interview. So while writing your resume, search online and use the power words to make it strong. Don’t make your resume boring and only list your facts. To get noticed, however, try to make it such that the employer gets impressed by your resume and gives a call you for an interview. One of the many…

Added by Neelam Mestry on October 24, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments

4 Pointers for Filling an Accounting Position

One of the hardest things a recruiter can do is convince a client that they can't handle their own accounting in house. Business owners often want to handle their own books because they either don't trust an employee to count their beans or they feel like it's a place where they can save money. While this isn't usually the case, hiring a bad accountant is easy. Hiring a good one, however, requires some finesse.

Follow this guide to recruiting the best accountant for the…


Added by Andrew LIsa on October 24, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

How To Build A Successful Social Recruiting Strategy

There’s no doubt that when it comes to recruiting and 
hiring, social media long ago moved from the margins to the mainstream. The exponential increase in employer adoption has become a big business in its own right, with a rapidly growing ecosystem of new tools and emerging technologies dedicated to helping companies find, attract, and engage better talent faster through…


Added by Matt Charney on October 24, 2013 at 11:30am — 15 Comments

Belief Rolls Down Hill – Scott’s Sales Yoga Thought for the Day

Many things, including a well known four-letter word, roll down hill: attitudes, actions emulated by subordinates, and beliefs, to name a few. Of these, beliefs are the most powerful and do the most help or cause the most harm. What you believe becomes what you receive.

Salespeople who are doubtful about the value of what they sell have customers who more vehemently push back, demanding concessions and price reductions. They become those dreaded people who want to pay the least but…


Added by Scott Wintrip on October 24, 2013 at 11:22am — No Comments

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