Recruiting Blogs (24,305)

Redefining Work/Life Balance

In my role as a recruiter, I have had the opportunity to talk to candidates for a variety of companies from Fortune 100 to small startups. With a few exceptions, most companies solicit the concept of a good work/life balance. At the same time, I have had the privilege to recruit and hire people at all stages of professionalism from Entry-Level candidates fresh out of school to Sr. VPs. Again, the overwhelmingly most common question is around the concept of work/life balance.…


Added by Brendan Orf on November 2, 2016 at 11:17am — No Comments

Are You A Recruitment Thought Leader ?

Like most buzzwords thought leadership is a misused and misunderstood term.  To confuse you, even more, it’s also referred to as authority positioning too!

But what is it really? And why do you need to have it as part of the marketing plan for your recruitment organisation?



What Is thought…


Added by Denise Oyston on November 2, 2016 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Recruiting for the New Year, Today

Fall is in officially in full effect (even for those of us in the South). The days are getting shorter, the nights longer, and the weather colder. But for us in the recruiting world, we have more than one kind of freeze to worry about – the holiday hiring freeze.

The holiday hiring freeze (the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day), effects most companies for many different reasons - reconciling budgets, lack of time to properly onboard and train new employees, holiday…


Added by Katelyn Hudson on November 2, 2016 at 9:54am — No Comments



What exactly stands out in a candidate interview? Is it their style? Their flair? Or their ability to fit well into the company culture? Perhaps it’s all of these things - but for the person responsible for selecting the right candidate for the job, the interviewing radar must go far beyond detecting basic qualities of a candidate.

While there are many signs that can safely be ignored during the interview process due to nervousness, here are 5…


Added by Recruiter Raya on November 2, 2016 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Business Culture: Four Ways to Impress New Employees

Careers are often motivated by one's passion, the desire to make a change and impact in a given area as well as their talents. Supporting each and every one in their desire to pursue their careers is hence essential. Almost everyone starts at employment level before venturing in other goals they have set to accomplish in life. The support they get at their employment…


Added by Emma Sturgis on November 1, 2016 at 1:01pm — No Comments

What HR Needs to Be Aware of When Recruiting

Human resources isn't just about recruiting candidates -- it's about ensuring that the candidates they recruit will have a long and productive relationship with the company. Human resources departments need to think extremely long-term before committing to a new hire; not only will the company be investing a lot of money in its…


Added by Kevin Faber on November 1, 2016 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Predictive Analytics Sourcing Tool

NetIn is a new sourcing tool with more than 25 million candidates. NetIn is different than other platforms in simlicity and its power to find best talent.

For a limited time we're offering a free trial of our sourcing tool. Go ahead and try it out today:…


Added by Soheil Yasrebi on October 31, 2016 at 6:41pm — No Comments

Fall Sourcecon 2016 Day 2-Main Session 1

So day 2 main sessions, included “Learn From your Mistakes” by Jenny DeVaughn and “From E! To Google: Missteps, Metrics and Methods” by Maisha Cannon.


First up “Learn From your Mistakes” by Jenny DeVaughn.  This was about Branding, and focused on learning from past mistakes, and about being the type of person you want to be. IT also focuses on…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 31, 2016 at 5:28pm — No Comments

New Job? 4 Ways To Rock Your First Impression

When you need to make a dynamic impression, don't take chances. Pull out all the stops to create an unforgettable image that will make a good impression and help you be remembered in a positive way. Here are four ways to excel when striving to make a good first impression.

Be A Great Listener

Nothing draws admiration from others more than…


Added by Emma Sturgis on October 31, 2016 at 11:30am — No Comments

How Has Bitcoin Influenced eCommerce - a Retrospective

The world we live in is becoming more digital by the minute. Obsession with Snapchat and Pokémon GO has only proven that not even the physical world suffices any longer and that in order for people to stay interested in it, digitalization is more than necessary. Another perfect example of this is eCommerce which everyone agrees to be a…


Added by Tracey Clayton on October 29, 2016 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Top 4 Reasons Talented Employees Choose to Stay with a Company or Leave

One major key to a successful business is a steady workforce. It is always a major loss when an organization invests its time and resources on top achievers only to have them leave prematurely. There are employees who quit due to health issues and other unavoidable circumstances. Unfortunately, a large number of them who leave do so as a result of an uncomfortable…


Added by Anica Oaks on October 28, 2016 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Comprehensive Questioning - the Road to Interview Mastery

Interviewing is an art form.

By leveraging the right interviewing tactics, you can determine who the best of the best applicants really are and who should be put on hold.

Naturally, in the world of recruiting, few things are as important as understanding the dynamics of an ideal interview. So why do so many…


Added by Jeff Mitchell on October 28, 2016 at 5:01pm — No Comments

Closing A Candidate On A Job Offer

You get great news; your candidate is being offered the job! Hooray! Until you speak with the candidate and they are not sure they want to accept the job offer. You wonder how is this possible. They were engaged during the interview process. What went wrong? Many times the reasons why a candidate decides not to accept an offer has little to do with you as a recruiter. What…


Added by Benae Lambright on October 28, 2016 at 12:42pm — No Comments

Closing A Candidate On A Job Offer

You get great news; your candidate is being offered the job! Hooray! Until you speak with the candidate and they are not sure they want to accept the job offer. You wonder how is this possible. They were engaged during the interview process. What went wrong? Many times the reasons why a candidate decides not to accept an offer has little to do with you as a recruiter. What…


Added by Benae Lambright on October 28, 2016 at 12:39pm — No Comments

Here’s How to Decide What to Wear for an Interview

So, you are almost one step behind securing your dream job. It is still not the time to rejoice as you are required to win over your interviewers all over again in this session. This personal face-to-face round of interview could be the toughest part as there are a lot of things that can make a difference in this session as compared to written rounds,…


Added by Tonisha Parra on October 28, 2016 at 1:40am — No Comments

Why a Structured and Streamlined Onboarding Process is a Must

Apart from some truly devastating life events, there are not that many things in a person's life that are more stressful than the first day at a new job.

The feeling of the new colleagues' eyes on you as you walk into your new workplace; a new company; new tasks; a new boss (or a few of them); new…


Added by Nate Vickery on October 27, 2016 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Night Work


Yes being a “Headhunter” is all sunshine and ponies, cheeseburgers fries with gravy? With a chocolate milkshake perhaps?

A lot of people we need to be in contact with are busy during the day (duh) so we have to give them a call at night when they can speak freely. Strike up the right relationship with a candidate on the move can be…


Added by Maurice Robertson on October 27, 2016 at 5:21pm — No Comments

Night Work

Yes being a “Headhunter” is all sunshine and ponies, cheeseburgers fries with gravy? With a chocolate milkshake perhaps?

A lot of people we need to be in contact with are busy during the day (duh) so we have to give them a call at night when they can speak freely. Strike up the right relationship with a candidate on the move can be golden.



Added by Maurice Robertson on October 27, 2016 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Recruiter/Sales/Biz Dev. Tip; How to Effortlessly Capture Business Card Info (While Sitting at the Airport, in a Hotel Room, or in Traffic)

Client facing Professionals have plenty of challenges being out and about- gridlock traffic, delayed flights, uncooperative parking meters, and un-charmable gatekeepers (I have never met one, but have heard the rumors), to name few. One particularly annoying challenge is processing the stack of business cards collected throughout the day, or better yet after an industry…


Added by Neil Elenzweig on October 27, 2016 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Everything You'll Need to Know for Increased Job Fair Results

Job Fairs are a great opportunity for businesses to draw attention to their workplace and establish reputation in the industry within which they operate. However, with so many trade shows and so many businesses participating in these events, more is required now than ever to maximize results!

Follow Up On Leads…


Added by Rachael Murphey on October 27, 2016 at 1:46pm — No Comments

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