Recruiting Blogs (24,192)

Conversational Recruiting... via Twitter?

Conversational Recruiting Let's talk a moment about Twitter - the infectious micro-blogging service that has taken the internet by storm. If you've managed to get this far and be completely in the dark as to what exactly Twitter is I'll simply point you here, here and here. Today's article isn't about breaking down the basics of the 140 character heavy hitter. It's more about how some recruiters are taking hold of… Continue

Added by RecruiterGuy on January 26, 2009 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Part 3: Why Online? - The Web Evolution

So we have discussed a few topics so far focusing on statistics of South Africans online, and how the media landscape has changed with the evolution of the web.

Today, we cover an very important topic - where is the web today, and where has it come from?

This can be explained through helping you understand the buzzwords “web 1.0″ (where the web has come from) and web 2.0 (where the web is going).

Thanks to wikipedia for the following definitions:

Web… Continue

Added by Matthew Gray on January 26, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Resume Blasting - Mistake

Resume Blasting is something that I have a strong opinion on - that is NEVER do it. It looks desperate, something that a less qualified candidate would do in a shotgun approach to offload their resume to as many sharks as possible. Does one really think that works? A recruiter or HR manager receives an email from one of the blasting services - something that is non personal and gives little attention to the person whose resume they are sending. Better yet…..the professional using the service… Continue

Added by Jason Monastra on January 26, 2009 at 9:33am — No Comments

Check out my Blog

Hi, my name is Sharon! Please checkout my blog and feel free to comment on anything.

Added by PhSharon on January 26, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Recession? Recruiters of "BASIC NEEDS" - Healthcare

Recruiters, come on........!

I was visiting a few websites and reading papers. Initially it looked like we have come to a closed street with no U-turn. There are hardly a few new jobs, and hundreds of candidates available. Then where would the recruiters stand in such a condition? Recruiters' priorities have been switched to search the clients and jobs openings, instead of discovering new candidates which is not good, not good in any way! Then where should I stand with??? With the ones who… Continue

Added by Simon Jones on January 26, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

What's doing?

What will you be doing today to attract more clients, increase revenues and build your business?

Here are twelve ways to do what has to be done to achieve those goals:

1. Send a letter (not an e-mail, a letter in the post) to three potential clients that would gain value from your expertise.

2. Make the three follow-up telephone calls to the three people you wrote letters to last week.

3. Arrange to speak to a group of people. Some of my clients and… Continue

Added by Ric Willmot on January 26, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments

How to make your job board Search Engine Optimized

There are lots of discussions over the web about SEO, its advantages and practices. In this article I’d like to share my experience, I’ve got during customizing job board software for my clients, in using SEO specifically for job sites.

Search engine optimization is one of the most important issues taken into attention when promoting job board sites. It allows job seeker to find relevant job postings on your job site via search engines, such as… Continue

Added by Rodion on January 26, 2009 at 2:22am — No Comments

Digging Into v2.04

Digging Into v2.03 Who's the Techie

(Jan 23, 2009) It's a downturn. Skinnying back means letting go of the niceties of outsourced web work. This week, I've been learning how to do my own IT. I used to do it; made enough money not to and have started again.

It's easier to be your own tech guy today than it was 15 years ago. HTML nearly writes itself. All you have to do is figure out the nuances of a couple of pieces of software,

I'm using Google Apps,…


Added by John Sumser on January 25, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Job Application of the Future?

This parody of a job application is pretty good - it's a lot of inside baseball, but you folks tend to be pretty good at that sort of thing.

They're missing one line - Have you ever been paid to work on these accounts (not including AdSense, PayperPost, or Reviewme.

Added by Jim Durbin on January 25, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments

team beach body

i joined for health reason it is working great for that but now i am making money to for anyonlook at my site take a look it is great for body and health

Added by Nancy bentley on January 25, 2009 at 10:49am — No Comments

Recruiters learning from those layed off

It's endemic in recruiting - the times get tough and far too many TPRs simply try and make more calls to the same types of clients they service when times are booming. Their faces become more downtrodden as the calls result in less and less business. Corp recruiters entrench while hiring managers become more committed to finding the exact match to a position they find difficulty in specifying. Corp recruiters roll their eyes.

How about being more flexible? Folks who have been laid… Continue

Added by Steve Levy on January 25, 2009 at 10:29am — No Comments

Looking for a recruiting domain? Here are 5700, unregistered!

Shorter domain names are better. One syllable words are simple, short, and memorable. This weekend I was looking for a domain name for a new project I was working on. Everything I initially tried was taken. What I did know was that I wanted to add a one syllable word to the end of my “anchor word”. It had nothing to do with recruiting, but for this example, I will use the anchor word RECRUIT.

I needed to create a repeatable, semi automated process to conquer this task. Here is what I… Continue

Added by Donato Diorio on January 25, 2009 at 3:09am — 1 Comment

Anybody read this book?

The Secret Universe of Names: The Dynamic Interplay of Names and Destiny by Roy Feinson

Charisma. Power. Sex appeal. Wealth. What does the sound of your name say about you? How do these syllables affect not only your self-image but, even more importantly, the expectations that others have of you? The Secret Universe of Names explains, in fascinating detail and name-by-name example (over 10,000 names), how the sound of a name evokes basic,… Continue

Added by Maureen Sharib on January 24, 2009 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

In the current economic climate are recruiters putting their career on hold? or will there always be those who look to climb their career ladder?

Much like the housing market, if you are able to invest in assets now a recruitment business will no doubt reap substantial rewards as the economic situation improves. It is certain that there is a large number of recruiters available but the question remains as to whether or not an employer could be 'buying' a toxic debt if hasty decisions are made. Some properties are never going to make economic sense due to the cost of… Continue

Added by Gavin Chase on January 24, 2009 at 2:19pm — No Comments

January 23, 2009

TGIS [Thank Goodness It's Sumser!]

John has been writing about the industry for donkeys years. He has introduced us to titans in the making [think CareerMosaic or The Online Technical Employment Center for example] and any number of here-today-gone-tomorrow-no-name-vendors.

The value of John's assessments lie in the fact that a) he knows what he's talking about and has a history to prove… Continue

Added by Amitai Givertz on January 23, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

How Hiring Military Veterans Helps Your Company Save Money – Part 2: Staffing Hard-to-Fill International Positions and Assignments

An increasing number of companies target the military talent pool as part of their talent acquisition strategy. There are many good reasons to do so, but a key one is when a company is addressing international positions and assignments. An excerpt from HR consultant Lisa Rosser's recent blog post is below:

"Many military veterans have lived and worked abroad during their military careers, and may be more receptive to your company’s international… Continue

Added by Bradley-Morris, Inc. - Delivering Military-Experienced Talent to America's Top Companies on January 23, 2009 at 5:19pm — 1 Comment

Setting Goals...Planning...PURPOSE...

Pretty common...everyone knows it...but how many people..organizations..companies..leaders actually do/apply these in their everyday professional and personal life?

Just like "Rice" for asian people and "Potatoes" for western people- they are considered a STAPLE when it comes to not only running your own business or being an employee but this is something that plays a big role even in running your own personal life.

It does sound a pretty simple thing to do but you would… Continue

Added by Jennifer LaVigne on January 23, 2009 at 1:40pm — No Comments

Returning a Candidate's telephone call, email, Twitter or Text.

The issue of returning the Candidate's contact, telephone call or email after initial resume submission has always been one I have had strong feelings about. A Recruiter's ability to return to contact the Candidate after the initial resume submission has been significantly enhanced by Applicant Tracking Systems. The ATS does that for us.

What the Recruiter does after that is most critical in developing a viable network for the skill sets and experience the Recruiter is seeking. I am… Continue

Added by Dave Graziano on January 23, 2009 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Is The IT Industry Programmed For Career Success?

This edition of Market Metrix focuses on the perseverance of the information technology industry. It’s evident that technology is playing a large role in everything we do at work and at home. As corporations continue to embrace technology and utilize the endless advantages, its no wonder this industry possess a bright future for workers who enter this highly skilled career space. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics project that IT professionals will enjoy the best job prospects, reflecting… Continue

Added by Jeremy Hatfield on January 23, 2009 at 11:41am — No Comments

A little sourcing yields BIG results!

I just learned what BIG results I can get from just a little sourcing!

The bulk of the “executive searching” that I do is for actuaries. I have a database of just about all the actuaries in the U.S. and Canada, so the sourcing I do for these projects is typically just slicing and dicing my database. I search LinkedIN and run a few Google searches for each new search. But honestly, I typically turn to sourcing when I need a break from the monotony of leaving hundreds of… Continue

Added by Cathy McCullough on January 23, 2009 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

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