Recruiting Blogs (24,316)

Pointers for Recruiting the Ideal Candidate for a Payroll Specialist Job

Research is always important when recruiting candidates for any position, and this is very true when looking for payroll specialists. Besides learning the basics of what it is that the business needs and expects, it is necessary to learn about the payroll specialist job and what it will entail.

For instance, it is always wise to look into salaries being paid across the nation as well as…


Added by Debbie Allen on June 17, 2013 at 10:00am — No Comments

Are You Stranded in the Desert?

Desolate and lonely, you find yourself in a vast space where it seems no one, absolutely no one, can be found. Parched and hungry you trudge on, getting wearier by the moment. You just want to give up, thinking, “this is it. This is where it all ends.” 

No, this is not a vain attempt at channeling Stephen King or Dean Koontz. Rather, the “desert” described above is the mental space that…


Added by Scott Wintrip on June 17, 2013 at 9:00am — No Comments

2013: When "self expression" completely demolished "decorum"

This Father's Day, I'm officially admitting that I'm a "prude".  While I'm at it, I'll also admit that I'm one of those people who doesn't really "get" most song lyrics and if you heard me sing (God forbid) a favorite song, there's no doubt I slaughter the lyrics.  I'll get to that in a minute...

Got a call yesterday from a guy who's a bartender at a local trendy restaurant that we often go…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 16, 2013 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Post Jobs on Facebook Marketplace (it's free!)

As more job seekers are starting to find jobs on Facebook, employers are increasing their presence to have the largest reach possible. A great way to extend reach and drive additional traffic to your job postings is by listing your open positions on Facebook Marketplace.

It's really simple to…


Added by Jen Dewar on June 16, 2013 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

What motivates employees to participate in ERP?

Sticky HQ did a survey to find out what motivates employees to participate in your Employee Referral Program, and found that the highest ranked incentive was a simple public recognition. As a close second, money…


Added by Jen Dewar on June 15, 2013 at 8:00am — No Comments

You can lead your boss to broadband, but you can't make him click...

stubborn donkey 4 The Internet is for so much more than email (which the young already regard as old-fashioned) and social networking. I recently wrote about UK government and public bodies (but I suspect these people are the same the world over) who continue to see the solution to address our economic sloth in …


Added by Martin Ellis on June 15, 2013 at 3:28am — No Comments

Are You Networking on Autopilot?

Last year, I was recruiting for a very challenging  Interactive VisualDesigner/Coder/HTML5 expert with creative chops. I did all of the things that I normally do - posted the position,  reached out to my network to see if anyone had any referrals, went to Meetups etc.

During the course of my sourcing, I connected on LinkedIn with Dave.  Dave and I were…


Added by Brian Grimmer on June 14, 2013 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Day 18: What'cha know?

Another shot weekend.  I'll be weeding through a ka-zillion resumes over the weekend once again.  Though as a personal highlight I'm looking forward to seeing the Superman movie.  We're cheap so we'll probably hit the matinee.  (Christopher Nolan and comic flicks is a great combo.)

OK so I got the story from one of my clients which is a combination of four companies that merged in the last six months.  They have plants sprinkled throughout the Midwest and guess what... they need…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 14, 2013 at 5:28pm — No Comments

The REKRUTR Vault: Thanks Dad, For Teaching Me To Be Bold.

As I thought about topics related to work for this week’s blog, my dad kept coming to mind. Maybe it is because Father’s Day is Sunday, but with every thought, I could almost hear his voice and the bits of advice he has given me over the years. Each one is deserving of its own post, but I think the lesson that…


Added by Amy McDonald on June 14, 2013 at 2:25pm — No Comments

LinkedIn Contacts Have Just Doubled For You

The new LinkedIn Contacts feature is buggy but it's opening up incredible people sourcing possibilities.

The terminology "contacts" and "connections" may be somewhat confusing. The all-new LinkedIn Contacts system allows LinkedIn members to merge the information about their contacts on several systems: 1) LinkedIn…


Added by Irina Shamaeva on June 14, 2013 at 11:11am — No Comments

Temp Staffing Strategy: Walmart's BIG Gamble

Walmart Stores, Inc. has a new staffing strategy and that is focused on temp employment. A recent survey showed that the shopping giant has moved to mostly hiring only temp employees for the past several months. Is this cost cutting move? Does it impact organizational culture? Is it a work around for the forthcoming Affordable Care Act? Does anyone really…


Added by Tim Spagnola on June 14, 2013 at 10:00am — No Comments

Day 17: 2 Minutes

I was involved with a group of professionals and influencers in the metro Detroit area working together on a mission of hope and renewal for the city of Detroit.  It was a volunteer thing and was fun while it lasted but after a while I had to back away because I simply couldn't dedicate the right amount of time on it.

We had a "speed networking" event among the membership to make super-quick introductions between each other.  There was such a variety of people with really diverse…


Added by Stephen Nehez, Jr. on June 13, 2013 at 5:25pm — No Comments

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Great Work References

Work references don’t always get checked, but when they do, they can be pure gold and that extra boost that helps you land the job instead of your competitor.  But, you don’t just want any reference saying you did a “good job,” you want a glowing reference. 

How do you get one of those?  There’s no guarantees available, but if you follow these steps, you can…


Added by Mike Sojdie on June 13, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Retain Your Employees: A Few Ideas

We’ve been considering the assessment year at a organization, when managers must fix employees’ “interpersonal” and “teamwork” abilities, and employees often fear the causing conventions because no one prefers the process, but everyone recognizes that it will be linked into improves, benefits and possibilities for development within the organization. In this process, we usually forget to pay attention to employee storage space…


Added by Joel Cheesman on June 13, 2013 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Employer Branding without a Motion Picture

small__4259789467 Company's dedicated largely to HR, should be excited for the new Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn movie, The Internship, that came out this past weekend. These two 40-something, tech illiterate Joe's are vying for a much coveted internship with Google. If their employer brand wasn't awesome enough, this movie made Google the employer of the century.

Viewers get an inside look at the perks of being a Google employee. We see slides, nap pods,…


Added by Angela Yu on June 13, 2013 at 3:21pm — No Comments

Live Video Interviewing Software

Have any of you used software product for conducting Live Video Interviews?  What is the good, bad and the ugly on these tools?  Recommendations?  Any to stay away from?  I am looking for quality, but not at any price.  Also, with technology / vendors changing so quickly, I greatly prefer monthly or per job commitments, vs. annual ones. 

I need to set up a phone interview…


Added by Adam Kaplan on June 13, 2013 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

Why Recruiters LOVE Linkedin and HR leaders might HATE Linkedin.

Top 3 Reasons Why Recruiters (both corporate and external) Love Linkedin:

1) LinkedIn has become the best hunting ground for recruiters.

2) As more companies are asking their employees to become participants in “social media” candidate referral programs, more employees are using sites such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter – making it insanely easy…


Added by Lisa Zee on June 13, 2013 at 2:00pm — 14 Comments

6 Critical Wage & Hour Reminders as FLSA Lawsuits Hit Record High

As the number of wage-and-hour lawsuits under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) hits an all time high, recruiters can help clients avoid what one attorney calls "one of the top threats to U.S. employers."

Human Resource Executive Online recently reported that…


Added by Debbie Fledderjohann on June 13, 2013 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Is Social Recruiting Dead…or Just Getting Started?


Social recruiting is a rapidly-growing trend in HR and recruiting space.  Some argue that it is dead and that beyond sourcing more candidates, it really doesn’t help recruiters scale their practice.  We, however, don’t think it is dead...we believe it is just beginning!

We are…


Added by Tim Burke on June 13, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

The Unemployable Graduate: And the great skills gap… [Part 3]

“Without a remedy for this mismatch of demand and supply, we forecast that by 2020 there will be a global shortfall of 85m high and middle skills workers for the labour market.”

This worrying…


Added by Laura Purt on June 13, 2013 at 10:44am — No Comments

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