Featured Recruiting Blogs (6,122)

Are Millennials not so concerned with the Job Search game...

It is often the case that recruitment agency or hiring managers in Manila have a notion about millennial workers that they change jobs more often than their counterparts, viz. baby boomers and Gen Xers.  Although stereotyping millennials may seem a bit harsh, it doesn’t rule out the fact that 75% of millennials aged between 18and 34 are of the opinion that job-hopping will help them build a successful career that’s why…


Added by arpana sharma on April 3, 2019 at 6:17am — No Comments

Sourcecon Spring 2019 Day 1 Keynotes!!

So day 1 Key notes, as always I will hit the high notes and focus on tools, and methods.


First up Jason Roberts and the State of Talent Acquisition. What we learned is Facebook is a major player with regards to employer branding. We also learned that both companies and workers feel technology is taking the human out of Human Resources.…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 1, 2019 at 2:54pm — No Comments

Top 5 Skill Assessment Testing Statistics You Should Know

Are you using skill assessment tests in your hiring process?

According to Career Builder…


Added by Kristina Martic on March 31, 2019 at 4:00am — No Comments

Top 17 Recruiting Software Tools and Hiring Solutions

What is Recruiting Software Tool?

Recruiting software helps in-house recruitment teams and recruiting agencies to manage and streamline the process of the job posting, sourcing candidates, resume evaluation. Most of the tools are aimed to automate the recruitment process. By eliminating routine paperwork and boosting job promotion, recruiters get more resources for both improving the quality of the hiring…


Added by Anastasia Antonova on March 28, 2019 at 6:00am — 2 Comments

The Benefits and Challenges of Using Recruiting Chatbots

Automation has completely transformed the face of recruitment. The advent of artificial intelligence is changing the process of hiring candidates. Today’s recruiting software has simplified some of the most time-consuming aspects of talent acquisition, and increasingly is incorporating analytics that can make predictions about candidate fit and quality.

Chatbots are one of the latest additions to the HR…


Added by Rchilli Parser on March 28, 2019 at 3:00am — No Comments

Explore Some Effective Ways of Optimizing Instagram for the Search Engines

Instagram is a robust visual platform just right for digital marketers to leverage it to their advantage. It is quite obvious to someone who follows a multi-channel marketing stratagem that efforts to promote your Instagram account must not remain restricted to Instagram alone but must necessarily extend much beyond it.

As per…


Added by Walter Moore on March 27, 2019 at 1:41am — No Comments

Sourcecon Spring 2019 the recap preview!!

This will be the start of the Spring Sourcecon share back. Lots of great stuff. To start it off I will provide some of the tools I showed during my Roundtable.


New tools:

Swordfish-finds contact info and specifically cell, home, and work Numbers

SideeX automates common functions like search, etc.

Bing Vs…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 25, 2019 at 2:06pm — No Comments

LinkedIn Keywords Boolean Search Is Compromised

Some of us, when starting a new search, go to LinkedIn, type a few terms - including, perhaps, a title and some skills - into the Keywords field in people search and try to assess the volume of potential candidates. However, if you do so, your answers may be flawed.

The LinkedIn Boolean Search Help…


Added by Irina Shamaeva on March 25, 2019 at 12:29pm — No Comments

Recruit Smarter, Not Harder

More than once, after going through a long and vigorous recruiting process with a candidate who looks like the perfect fit, we end up with an employee who quits after a month, or worse, becomes a drain on the company. When we keep recruiting but not ending up with the right talent,…


Added by Or Hillel on March 24, 2019 at 5:34am — No Comments

Latest Instagram Based Social Media Analytics With Upgraded Metrics For Your Use

So, you are asked to get in touch with the best Instagram Analytics, which are gaining some popularity among the masses. It is a known fact that people are now getting the opportunity to track down post-performance with the new IG analytics. The newer version of the IG analytics can prove to be a perfect way to just discover which of posts are driving…


Added by Walter Moore on March 22, 2019 at 2:30am — No Comments

Making Businesses Better

Job Seekers typically see things from the perspective of their career, and that is understandable, but recruiting is not about careers. It’s about building great companies or making companies better. Great careers and great career moves are a by-product.

In a lot of cases we feed the misconception. “Find your ideal job at XYZ Company”. Everyone’s skills are needed somewhere. The key for a candidate is to find the place where their skills and abilities are needed to make an…


Added by Todd Kmiec on March 19, 2019 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Data Dissonance in Talent Acquisition

We have compiled research from many credible sources to determine how data is impacting business, specifically talent acquisition.…


Added by Josh Mangum on March 19, 2019 at 10:30am — No Comments

Does Your Employer Brand Just Exist?

Building an employer brand takes time. Showcasing your company values and culture in its true form will allow you to attract talent to your roles. Enabling you to build a reputation as a great company to work for.

After investing time and budget, you want to get the best out of the finished product. Having an employer brand isn’t where it should end, it isn’t something that should just exist to tick a box.

You want it to add value to your recruitment strategy and to be able to…


Added by Joanne McDonagh on March 19, 2019 at 5:30am — No Comments

Top 11 blogging websites every recruiter must follow

Learning is one of the best things anyone can do to stay up to date with the latest happenings in the market. If you want to stay in this competitive market, you should be aware of what is happening around you.

The best way to be at the top is “Learning.” In this post, I’m going to share some blogging websites for recruiters where they…


Added by Atilesh Thakur on March 15, 2019 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

How To Negotiate A Raise Without Looking Entitled

There comes a stage in everyone’s career when, no matter how happy they are with the type of work they do, their surroundings, and their achievements, it feels like it’s time to move on.

Often, the pushing factor is money. Nobody likes to get stuck on one rung of a ladder, especially when we see our friends and rivals moving on up to…


Added by Marilyn Louise on March 18, 2019 at 11:30am — No Comments

Recruiting technology trends 2019

Technology has seen considerable changes in optimizing tasks like recruiting, training, and employee management. From hiring chatbots, video interviews, to virtual reality training, here we are discussing few HR technology trends to keep you on the track of 2019:

  1. Natural Language Processing…

Added by Rchilli Parser on March 18, 2019 at 8:30am — No Comments

How to Interview Candidates Effectively: 3 Simple Ways

Do we need a more effective way to interview candidates?

Here are 2 interesting statistics:

  • Recent…

Added by Kristina Martic on March 14, 2019 at 12:00pm — No Comments

How to Negotiate Your Contract Extension

Negotiating an extension can be the trickiest part of any contractor’s assignment. It can in some instances be the difference between building a successful career in consultancy – where you develop a real niche – and a jumpy, stop-start, short-lived, jack-of-all-trades one.

But little good advice exists on this topic and many contractors learn…


Added by Richard England on March 13, 2019 at 5:42am — No Comments

Recruiters, you should be using social media to build your employer brand of choice!

Social is used incorrectly by many businesses and recruiters.

Social is exactly that – a social platform where potential customers are interacting with friends, family and articles that are of interest to them. When you are posting social messages you are interrupting them so you need to be mindful of the context of your…


Added by Tanya Williams on March 12, 2019 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment


In the battle of hiring the top talent, organizations are prepared to take an extra mile to revamp their talent acquisition strategies. Right now all business markets are excessively competitive. So having an upper hand over opponent organizations is the most important thing to stay up front. Here, you can only win the talent war by uncovering the top…


Added by Daniyal Wali on March 10, 2019 at 3:00pm — No Comments

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